Bidding Adieu To Hair Loss}

Bidding Adieu to Hair Loss


Shivani Kashyap

The scalp has almost 100,000 hair. A healthy scalp sheds and grows new hair regularly, however when this stops thats when baldness occurs. There are many reasons which cause hair fall, varying from hormonal changes, serious illness, skin infection, stress user or certain drugs, thyroid and many more. Once the root cause is identified and treated the hair growth is back to normal.In medical language hair loss is also known as Alopecia. This is of a permanent nature is if generally caused by heredity and genes.

It has been observed that generally hair loss begins at the onset of puberty and is mostly genetically linked. Studies have proved that hair loss is caused by poor nutrition, deficiencies, and poor dietary habits.There are several causes for hair loss, ranging from heredity to hormonal levels. It is very common now days to see people complaining about hair loss, blame it on the stress level, to physiological changes that take place in the human body, which cause hair to fall. Hair lying on the bathroom, is a common sight but how to find out the reason for the loss, is difficult to discern.


If your parents have had a problem of hair loss, then in that case chances of you losing hair are quite bright. Baldness begins to generally show around thirties, and continues till the retirement age of sixty. Once you start caring for your hair then the process of losing hair, can be gradually controlled.Hormonal changes are also the primary reason for causing hair loss. When an individual undergoes stress, the body reacts in an unusual way, thereby causing hair to fall, at a rapid pace.

Hair loss can also be due to an infection of the scalp, or skin. This is known as Alopecia. In this appropriate measures have to be taken to cure the skin and scalp.Gone are the days when one kept on wondering what should on do for hair loss and ultimately resorted to Home remedies. Several hair loss fiber products are available in the market today for hair loss, some of the common ones being-Hair loss drugs. Hair loss shampoos, hair loss concealers, hair loss transplant or surgeries. Ideally an individual should first find out why is he or she loosing hair and then decide on which Hair loss solution to take.

In case your hair is thinning at a rapid pace, it might be worth inquire about a systemic drug which can help from the inside out. If your hair loss is progressing gradually, and you are noticing month-to-month that you are losing small amounts of hair, it might be wise to start off with a topical solution such as a hair loss shampoo. Rapid hair fiber is considered to be one of the best hair loss fiber product today. This is made up of 100% natural hair. This is an easy to use hair building fiber product and has absolutely no side effects associated with its long term use.

Rapid Hair Fiber provides best

hair loss solution

to prevent baldness with the help of

hair building fiber product


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