How To Read Faster

Submitted by: Jones Jenny

Reading fast is another term used for speed reading. Speed reading helps instill a new passion for reading. Readers gain more control over their reading abilities and also their overall desire to read increases. In order to read faster and better develop your reading abilities, certain steps can be followed to harness your speed reading ability, such as eliminating vocalization or sub vocalization when you are reading, avoiding the chance of re-reading, and reading a sentence in chunks to pick up the pace. These steps are quite easy to follow. In addition to these steps, there are certain methods that can be done to improve your speed reading techniques which will also be explained later on.

Steps to improve speed reading:

Eliminate vocalization or sub vocalization as you read (sounding the words either out loud or in your head). The vocalization of words dramatically reduces your speed reading abilities, as your lips need time to sound out each word. Another way of reading faster is instead of reading word by word, read it in chunks or even as a sentence. The longer you spend on each word, the slower you will read the word. This is why it is important to read phrases of multiple words so as to increase your reading speed. Try practicing on a news paper with columns that have 4 to 5 words wide, so that you have a better sense of reading it in chunks. Another mistake that is commonly done is re-reading the text that you have read.

Many readers make this error. By doing so, it disrupts the brains flow; hence, slowing down a person’s speed reading ability. In addition, a reader can also lightly skim the text, either before or after reading the text. Skimming through the text before reading will introduce you to the topic of the material that you are about to read, which will give you a brief idea of what the material is about. On the other hand, skimming after reading a particular material, will allow a reader to draw key points out of particularly hard or dense to read material.

Methods of speed reading:


In addition to these steps, there are certain methods that a person can try as well. The index card method is basically a folded piece of paper to cover the whole width of the page. Placing it under the line that you are reading will help you to better focus on the sentence. More importantly, it will reduce the chance of re-reading. Another great method is the ‘sweep method’. The sweep method is still in use nowadays by children and is the most effective way of speed reading. This method is simple. By simply sweeping your finger along each line that you read and moving it under each word as well, greatly increases a person’s speed reading ability. Also move your entire forearm and not only your wrist as you will be able to cover the whole line and will help you focus better.

However, all these steps and methods will go to waste unless the person is an active reader. Speed reading requires an active reading, which means, instead of assuming that the information will pop out from the book, become an inquisitor by putting yourself in the midst of the book.

This will help you keep more focused on the book and will make it even more interesting to read. Active reading also means stopping to think about what you’re reading, as you read it. Stopping to think may not sound like much of a speed reading tactic and it’s not, but it is a smart-reading tactic that everyone should employ. If you find something interesting, pause either to reflect or even note the information in your book.

Here is a simple way to find out how good your speed reading techniques are:

* Setup a timer for 1 minute

* Mark the line you started reading

* Start reading and stop when the minute is up

* Mark the line where you stopped

* Count the number of lines that you have read (no. of lines)

* Take the second line and count the number of words in this line, including words like I, and, etc (no. of words per line)

* No. of lines X no. of words per minute = WPM (your words per minute reading speed)

Speed reading is a fantastic way to take in as much as possible while reading. The above steps and methods will only help increase and improve your speed reading techniques. Try the above steps with your regular reading pace, and after practicing the several tips mentioned in this article, try the measuring process again to see how much you have improved. Speed reading is a great tool to use and will come in handy at any point in time.

About the Author: Clinton Broxton is a speed reading expert and author of How to Improve Reading Speed. Visit us:



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