Pet Owners Love The Gps Pet Tracker

Pet Owners Love The GPS pet tracker


Dave McIntosh

Our pets today certainly become a part of the family. The very thought of one of our pets becoming lost and not coming home really upsets us. This has caused pet owners to look for ways of keeping track of their pets. That is where a GPS pet tracker comes in. It is absolutely the best way to keep track of where your pet is at all times.

Now many of you may be thinking about your dog when we say pet tracker but these GPS systems are a lot more versatile than that. Some companies have very small light weight ones that can be used on cats. The smallest and lightest device on the market is ideal for many different kinds of pets. It of course can be used on cats and dogs but it is also good for turtles, ferrets and even some birds. Both the transmitter and the handset are very small and lightweight.

These GPS tracking devices

are battery operated and wireless. They can synchronize with your mobile smart phone with Bluetooth connectivity which enables you to use your smart phone instead of the hand held device normally associated with these units. This makes them the ultimate pet locator.


One of the main selling points for these GPS pet tracking devices is that pets are family too and you d want to locate a family member if get lost wouldn t you?

These GPS systems provide pet owners with peace of mind and the confidence that when their treasured furry friends escaped the yard or wander off they will be able to find them.

Now you may be wondering how much does this technology cost?

Well you will be happy to know that for under $200 dollars you can get a reasonable quality system. Of course depending on some of the beeps and whistles you want it could go a lot higher. But 200 is not a bad price for the peace and security they bring. You might also want to know that if you buy one that attaches to your smart phone you could be paying up to $60 per year extra on your phone bill for this service.

Of course if your pet strays you would like to know immediately so that you are able to retrieve them quickly and that is exactly what these systems can do for you. They will send information from the transmitter on your pet to the receiver either in your hand, car or on your home computer with a map pointing exactly to where your pet is.

This is truly amazing technology.

Yet we are using it all the time to direct us places we are looking to go while in our cars or out in the wilderness camping. This is just using the same technology in a different way.

Did you know of the thousands of lost pets that happen each day over 84% of them are never returned to their masters? Yes having a pet is a lot of work and they cost us money and time. But aside from making sure they have food and shelter you also need to consider their safety. That way you know that the loving investment you give them will never be wasted.

These GPS pet trackers are a type of insurance on you dear friends and money well spent in my opinion.

Dave McIntosh has enjoyed having pets all his life and has been very concerned about their safety. If you are looking for more great information on

GPS Pet Tracker

, visit



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